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电话:400-690-6676  01064027200

Web site:http://gknxk.taopianyi.net/

Beijing China International Travel Service Co., Ltd (CITS Beijing)

Founded in 1958, CITS Beijing Co., Ltd is now under China’s two leading Tourism Group – China International Travel Service Group and Beijing Tourism Group. 50 years of hard working has turned CITS, Beijing into a company with strength and with a variety of service items to meet the needs of tourists the world over. At present, there are 300 employees on the staff. The majority of them are graduates of universities. English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian Thai and Korean are the major working languages. Of the 240 interpreter guides, senior grade, top grade and middle grade account for 62%. CITS, Beijing’s business scope covers inbound tours domestic tours, state authorized outbound tours business tours, international conference, air & train ticket reservation and hotel reservation, etc. As we are professional, our service is based on our experiences, team spirits and unique features. For example, Hot line service (provide customers with information of all the tour products); Printed materials service (the customers can understand the tour better and in details); Advice Service (help customer design a best itinerary); Attentive Service (pay attention to details and put the customer’s interest first); Tour Escort Service (provide service at any time); Quality Control Service (feed back).

In the past 50 years CITS Beijing has served 5.5 million tourists from more than 120 countries, including famous groups and events such as “Save Venice & Great wall”, “Japan – China Goodwill Delegation (2300 people)”, “World Women Conference”, “Asian Games”, “IOC Evaluation Relegation” and the yearly regular cruises from Europe and the study tours from Japan.

With the progress of worldwide revolution in leisure, the prosperity of the holiday economy and the improvement of the living standard of the Chinese people, the outbound tours are getting very popular. In outbound tours CITS Beijing has made a series efforts in sales promotion and marketing. We have designed various products to meet the needs of leisure travel, business travel, study travel and incentive and conference. Due to many years of cooperation CITS Beijing has established good relations with air lines, travel organizations, railways both at home and abroad and Foreign embassies all of which have contributed a lot to the expansion of out bound tours.

Relying on several decades of experiences, “guests first” principle, attentive service and high reputation CITS Beijing has won the title as “ The Best Enterprise” “Advanced Enterprise” “The Enterprise With The Largest Reception of Tourists” in the Capital Zijin Cup Competition and the title as “The Top Hundred Travel Service” in the country. CITS Beijing is marching forward towards a bright future!

碑林区纺织助剂有限公司 开鲁县阀门有限公司集贤县土建有限公司刚察县会务服务有限公司郁南县桩基工程施工有限公司 巴南区混凝土切割有限公司新抚区财务咨询有限公司 双滦区货物及技术进出口设计有限公司偃师区外墙粉刷有限公司 金乡县机械设备安装有限公司